Just A Maine Girl Embarking on Adventures

Archive for September, 2019

Grafton Notch–NOT!–09-28-2019

Sunday I decided to head to Grafton Notch in Maine.  Found a shorter trail, looked up the weather (no rain until 5pm) we are good to go!


Firs stop – a bridge!  With just enough color for it to make for a good picture.


Next stop – another bridge!  This one in Groveton!  The sky was crazy!  The light was weird, but it still made for some good photos!


Then I stopped in Stark and look, another bridge!  I find it odd that the church seemed to have horns – just saying. 


And more color and one really cool flag planted in the middle of the water and a great reflection.


Gilead, VT – 09-25-2019

My friend, Nicole, is from “around here” and she posted a picture about this cute Mill and I didn’t have any intentions of heading out to find it.  I was just out driving and lo and behold, there it was!


Such a cute little place nestled away from the road – the red is now faded to pink. 


Driving back I, of course, went a different route.  I came up on this sweet old barn with an orange tree w/half its leaves falling.  Made for a gorgeous backdrop. 

The Dells–Fall Addition–9-25-2019

I got out of work late so off to the Dells just for a walk!  It’s about a mile of “trail” and some fresh air. 


The pine needles litter the ground, and the air is nice and crisp even at 70 degrees. 


The sun was hitting the pond in a surreal way, and I did my best to capture it. 


Vermont Drive–09-20-2019

I took drive over to VT “just cuz”.  I can stop when I want when I have no destination in mind.  No where to go but “somewhere” can be fun. 


I came up on this lake in VT, which was crystal clear and cold.  I snapped a few pictures and drove on back home.


Then I pulled over and snapped one last picture….. 


Lille Mountain–09-13-2019

Does this mountain have a name?  I don’t know, I have looked but never really found it. 

This is a favorite walk of mine and I am going to do some night photography up there one of these days!


The walk up to the overlook begins at the old Parent Pond, where as a kid we’d feed the ducks and there was a small bridge.  The bridge is long gone now, but the pond is still there.  


‘Nuff said.


From this vantage point you can see what was once called Lille – a small off shoot village of Grand Isle.  It used to boast a store, garages, and a nice sized camp ground with a pool.  I remember the pool!  I remember folks camping out under the huge pines as well. 


Then the walk down was pretty as well – the last photo is one of the many ponds on the way up. 

Please note: this is private property and I have permission to go there.

Archer– 09-13-2019

We adopted Archer when he was 9 months.  He is reliving his “oh my god pain in the A$$” puppy phase.  So when I go home, I try and bring him for a longer walker. This time we made it up the mountain in Lille.


He’s a calm boy outside, inside is a whole other thing!

Drive Home–09-12-2019

The monthly drive north – It cannot be prettier this time of year!


Some interesting clouds on the drive up this time around!


The harvest moon!  Full and bright and bringing in the fall weather. 


This is Victoria’s fave tree and I’m slowly collecting photos of it and someday I’ll make her a kick ass gift!

Challenge – Framing

This challenge had to do with “framing” your photos.  Using something natural, or otherwise, to block out the focus of what you wanted focused on. 

I am NOT good at it!

But here is what I got.


The least framed one, this sun flair, yet one of my faves, because – well – sun flair!! 


This was my first attempted (above) at using something natural to frame what you want to focus on.  Nature isn’t always your friend.  But I left it in the collection as while not good, it does force you to think harder to get better at your craft.


Overlooking the town of – Bath, NH.  Looking thru two trees.  Putting forth a challenge is fun, gives you the motivation to go out and “try” new things. 

Onto the next!


Lancaster Fair & River Walk – 09-03-2019


Fryburg Drive – 08-30-2019


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